
SteemEngineToken.__init__(network_account='ssc-mainnet1', history_conf: Optional[dict] = None, network='steem', **rpc_args)[source]

Initialises the class with various configuration options. All parameters are optional.

Pass a dict in history_conf to override the SteemEngine history node used Pass extra kwargs such as hostname='' ot override the SteemEngine RPC node used.

  • network_account – The Steem account that operates the SteemEngine network, e.g. ssc-mainnet1 for the Steem Smart Contracts Main Network

  • history_conf – A dictionary containing kwargs to pass to SteemEngineHistory constructor

  • rpc_args – Any additional kwargs will be passed to the privex.jsonrpc.SteemEngineRPC constructor

  • nodes (str|list) – If the nodes kwarg is specified, e.g. nodes=[''], then Beem will be configured during __init__ to use those specific RPC nodes.